Telegram has discharged another update including video editing tools and permitting you to add animated stickers to any photograph or video you send on the mobile messaging application.
The new update permits you to edit videos and modify different elements like brightness and saturation. You can physically change the video to your preference, or you can tap your screen twice to have Telegram alter it automatically.
Even though Telegram previously presented stickers, you would now be able to add them to any photograph or video. The GIF panel got some new features, including a Trending section that shows the most popular GIFs on the application, notwithstanding emoticon-based sections that give significant GIFs to emoticons like the heart eyes or thumbs-up.
In April, Telegram arrived at 400 million active clients. Nearby revealing the new active client achievement, Telegram likewise acquainted educational snippets with tests and another directory with 20,000 stickers. The organization likewise says that it will release secure group video calls at some point this year.