Mohamed Ismail Jasem Alhosani plays as a striker as well as a winger (left and right). Over the past few years he has managed to be one of the top scorers, trained by his coach- Jamel Al Hasni. He lives in UAE, Emirates, in Mohamed Bin Zayed. It is difficult to keep a track of the number of goals and assists that he has had in each year because they are quite a lot. However, here they are:
If we count it all from the very beginning then we must begin from the year 2012 when it first started to the present years.
- In 2012 he played a total of 560 minutes and managed to score three goals. This might seem a little less but believe me it only got better.
- In 2013, one upsetting thing was the three red cards and one yellow card but the fact that he scored four goals using his head and played a total of 752 minutes made him prove a point not only to himself but also to the other team members and to his very own coach.
- He was put aside by his coach in order to train harder and in 2014 he started to only train harder. Most of the time they mix all the ages and bring together the people who were born in 1998 and 1999, therefore there was a one year age gap. That never was an issue to him because he was too good for his age already back at that time. This proves to be true for the present year also.
- 2015- The beginning of playing for national teams in UAE, and also a top scorer. No red cards here but a pure bliss of 16 goals and three assists.
- 1165 minutes of gameplay combined with 15 goals and two red cards. Though the team didn’t manage to get the League, he was still the second top scorer.
- 2019 and 2018 where the peak years because both of them combined, he had 21 goals, seven of them being in only four matches. That is quite an achievement for any player, be it professional or not.
2020 was a new beginning, he played for the Khorfakkanf Club As a left and right winger alongside being a striker, and scored two goals with twelve assists for the new team. The win against Kalba Club was a must watch! It was a neat win, with a score of 1 to null on the opposite side. His achievements started from Cup Asia for youth where he won the championship title and is still continuing, there is not going to be an end to it soon.