The struggle is real for the American rapper Jay Bang aka Jay Bang The Great. This is no easy cake walk, but it’s worth every moment because after the mud then comes the rewards! It feels good being recognized for your work and having other celebrities reach out to you saying congratulations “we see your hard work that you thought went unnoticed.”
After the release of her new single “Yeah” talent scouts and A&R’s start coming out the woodworks saying we love your music and to say that’s just the beginning. They don’t follow you for nothing; Jay Bang is considered a breakout artist. Her music and image stands out among the crowd that’s grasping the attention of many. All I can say as a writer is that yesterday’s price is not today’s price so make sure you reach out to her because she is definitely making a name for herself in the music industry.
This talented rapper is full of ambition, creativity and knows her purpose and the goal she needs to reach. Many rappers today just want the fame and fortune so it’s hard to stay on track because of lack of direction; you have a tendency to stray off course. You have to have purpose and a goal in order to walk a straight line, because you are trying to attain something higher than just fame.
What stands out about the female artist is that her songs don’t sound the same, they are carefully crafted, and her beat selection is definitely precise to where the words actually match the beat which is a gift. Jay Bangs says “she would love to write for major mainstream artists one day!” With hard work and continued consistency it will definitely happen. Be on the watch for this up and coming star.
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