Become a good composer by following these tips Ramin Razmjoo, a 29-year-old popular musician, who tells all the tricks of composing

Make sure you are the center of attention: you need to work with confidence and put your name on a piece of music. Smith insisted on constantly talking about yourself and your musical achievements.

2. Express your opinions: Express your opinions and opinions and be steadfast on them.

3. Raise your time and goals: Time is always limited, but if you are serious about doing it as a profession, then do your best.

4. Get to know your musicians: Smith insisted that you choose the best orchestra, singer and.. It also allows you to use a lot of musicians in your work and also makes you feel comfortable.

Don’t worry about deadlines: As Smith said, you can’t limit a genius to time. Except when musicians are forced to dedicate time to seasonal concerts.

6. Help musicians play correctly: If you work for hours on a piece of music, you need musicians to play it. Smith advises you to tell the musicians wrong, and if there is nothing wrong, give them advice to improve their work.

7. Get rid of bad habits: When you look at the composers’ past, they had no fear of confrontation and developed their talents.

8. Eliminate your competitors: Be confident and learn your own techniques, gradually eliminate your competitors.


point ico Part II – Tiny points

Unlike playing musical instruments – which is hard enough – writing music requires your emotions and state of mind. Composing also gives you a lasting impression of how you feel when you write music. Here are some ideas for composing that will help you be a better composer and arranger:

1. Move: Some people come up with ideas while walking – this is an old trick. Beethoven walks every morning before writing a song.

2-bass line: Sometimes songs start with a nice bass line. Many of Can’t wait for the perfect songs are made this way.

3- Small melodies: A melody motif (the smallest melody component), which is usually a combination of two chords, can change your composition. Always pay attention to these small melodies.

4- Balance: Do not choose external and hard chords, but find unique ways to combine the usual chords.

5. Be like Wayne: Many people like to write Wayne Shorter melodies, so pay attention to them. There is always a singable melody in his songs with a complex harmonic shift.

6. Listen to your favorite song: Listen to your favorite songs that move you to create ideas in your mind.

7. Consider grooves, beats, and pockets: And enough ups and downs for songs.

8. Strong harmonic movement: The rise and fall of chords is always attractive. See Pat Metheny’s compositions, for example. In fact, many people like the sudden movement of chords. (Changes in one-third, not in the traditional one-quarter method)


9. Relationships: Songs are usually made up of two chords that reveal melody, mood, or both when moving back and forth.

10-Stealing! Note item 6. Pay attention to the music that makes you move and also find your way. That is, try to get ideas from other composers. You can change them to your own taste and create your own style.

11-Melody rules: Consider the rules of composition, it’s up to you, but I like more complex melodies.

12. Consider the drawbacks: Where is the climax of this song? Where did you start and where do you want to go?

13- Consider the final mentality of your work: how this song makes you feel and how you feel in the end.

14. Combine songs: For example, move the end of the song to the beginning.

15. At the end of the day, consider the basics: See how easily you can progress.

16- Sing a song: Sing the song you wrote aloud. This will make you better understand the strengths and weaknesses.

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