One of the parts of the face that has a great impact on the beauty of the face is the chin. In some people, the chin is congenitally backward and it affects the beauty of their face. An ideal chin in men is parallel to the lower lip and in women it is slightly behind the lower lip. If the chin is behind the standard position, it makes the face ugly and gives the person a weak and lack of self-confidence. . By using chin gel injection, the shape of a person’s jawline and chin becomes stronger, more prominent, and more elegant, and his appearance is improved.
In Merrifield’s analysis, the size of the Z angle in both male and female groups was not significantly different and was almost the same. In Ricketts analysis, the average distance of the upper and lower lips from the E line was not different in both male and female groups, and the same values were obtained in both sexes. In Steiner’s study, it was seen that men have more protruding and prominent lips than women, and the mean obtained for the group of men was higher than that of women.
The chin line is one of the things that has a great impact on the beauty and rejuvenation of the face. There are many ways to angle the jaw. With these methods, you can create a chin line and rejuvenate and model the face.